Govt Employees

Government employees concerns and our government

By: Anwar Ali Roshan

Government employees are the part of the government machinery that is responsible for implementing decisions and strategies made at key government levels, including the cabinet, for the welfare of the people and the betterment of government affairs. If the problems of these employees reach unbearable levels, the government will not be unaffected. The situation cannot be described as enviable in which important, active and functional parts of the government machinery are seen protesting outside their offices or workplaces. Whatever happened in the “red zone” of Islamabad on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, it would have been better to deal with the situation on a first-come, first-served basis. It would have been better if government employees had not gone out of their offices to protest, not to go to the red zone of Islamabad to protest, not to be seen throwing batons or throwing stones to avoid police baton charges or tear gas shelling, nor government employees. Leaders were arrested from different places. As far as the statements of the federal ministers are concerned, they did not show any negative reaction regarding the demands and protests of the employees of the government, but the question needs to be answered that the matter is serious

Why was it allowed to come? There is no denying the fact that the effects of the Corona epidemic and the economic effects of the global recession, especially the direct and indirect effects of the steady rise in petrol, gas and electricity prices, have broken the backs of the poor and middle class. For those in the business world, there is a way to make up for the loss by raising the price of goods, but for employed people, especially government employees, it is becoming difficult to cover the unavoidable expenses. For the past several months, there has been a series of talks between the government committee and the employees’ representatives on the issue, which would have resulted in an agreement already reached if thousands of white-clad young, middle-aged and old employees had arrived in Islamabad. They would not be seen trying to move towards the zone and the police would not be in an unpleasant situation. Nor did government affairs in ministries, departments, divisions seem to come to a standstill. However, it is gratifying that the negotiations between the Committee of Federal Ministers and the Government Employees’ Unions were successful on Thursday, February 11, 2021. Announcing his victory after 2 pm, the federal ministers said that Prime Minister Imran Khan has taken special interest in resolving the issue. Necessary action has been taken in all concerned departments and divisions, including the finance ministry. Salary summary sent. Federal government employees have been given 20% ad hoc relief while 40% relief is being given in salaries. According to the press conference, it has been decided to give allowance to the employees of Grade I to Grade 19 while the salaries for Grade 20, 21 and 22 will be announced in the budget. There is consensus on many other issues as well. Government employees have been receiving support from the government, the opposition and civil society for their rights and issues, and it is hoped that the agreement will go a long way in resolving their grievances. At the same time, being part of the government machinery, these employees are expected to use their best skills to get rid of the red tape in the offices and keep the procedure as simple as possible. We will make it understandable and try to solve the problems of the common people with more sincerity.

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