Sugar Fruit
Health & Fitness

How much sugar can be avoided by eating vegetables and fruits?

Nutritionists say that even small amounts of fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of diabetes. Eating just 66 grams of fruits and vegetables a day reduces the risk of diabetes by 25%.

According to media reports, the study was conducted by Cambridge University, while Harvard University experts have previously said that the use of whole grains can be safe from sugar.

Nutritionists say that 66 grams of vegetables means three tablespoons of vegetables or an apple. Scientists at the University of Cambridge have published the details in the British Medical Journal. Another related report says that whole grains also play an important role in preventing diabetes.
Research has shown that eating whole grain biscuits or oatmeal as a snack can reduce the risk of diabetes by up to 20%. In a study of vegetables and fruits, scientists compared 9,754 people with diabetes to 13,662 people who did not have diabetes.

Vitamin C and carotenoids, which make up the normal color of plants, were tested in the blood of these individuals and are common in fruits and vegetables. Their presence in the blood proves the presence of fruits and vegetables in the body.

The study was conducted under the European Research on Cancer and Dietary Program, which included eight European countries. Research has shown that increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits (500 grams per day) can reduce the risk of diabetes by up to 50%.
On the other hand, if you increase the amount of whole grains, oatmeal, oatmeal and cereals in your diet, the sugar will go away from you in the same proportion. The good news is that obesity is far from a whole grain, and obesity is another name for sugar itself. This can reduce the risk of diabetes by 19 to 21 percent.

That’s why experts emphasize eating brown bread, while the study concludes that foods have the potential to prevent diabetes and can have a large positive effect on even small amounts.

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