Imran Khan F

Inflation, our government and people…..!!

By: Gul Afroz Soomro

Prime Minister Imran Khan has expressed satisfaction that the government’s efforts to control prices are paying off and inflation in the country has come down. In a statement on Sunday, he said that inflation had fallen below the level at which his government was in power. The opposition has falsified the claim, but the state-run statistics agency confirmed the prime minister’s statement and noted an improvement in the inflation graph. Federal ministers also expressed happiness, saying that inflation has been steadily declining. Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has said that inflation will be completely eradicated in the next few months. There is no doubt that serious efforts are being made at the government level to bring down the prices of essential commodities and as a result of these efforts and some changing seasons, the prices of some vegetables and fruits have definitely come down and it is expected that The situation will remain the same for two and a half months but the government has increased the prices of petroleum products for the fifth time in 15 consecutive days, leaving petrol at Rs 111.90, high speed diesel at Rs 116.07, light diesel at Rs 79.23 and kerosene. The price has reached Rs 80.19 per liter. Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority

(OGRA) had recommended higher rates but according to the official announcement, the Prime Minister has approved lower rates in the public interest. Previously, the increase was for a month. Now it happens every fortnight. If this trend continues, it could lead to higher inflation, as rising community spending will push up prices of everything, including flour, rice, pulses and meat, and increase fares for the common man. Petrol is mostly used in private small or large and two wheeled vehicles and rickshaws etc. High speed diesel is used in heavy vehicles, trains, trucks, buses, tractors, tube wells and threshers while light diesel oil is used in flour mills and Used in some power plants. Kerosene is also used by the poor or used in small-scale production. Rising petroleum prices will repeatedly increase community rents and wages, which will have an impact on everyday items and make their prices more out of reach of the common man. Transporters’ organizations have immediately announced an increase in fares for all routes. That is why there is a strong reaction in the public circles against the increase in the prices of petroleum products. The government argues that the increase is actually due to rising international petroleum prices, but economists say global petroleum prices have fallen. Therefore, there is no justification for the increase. The ground reality should also be kept in mind that inflation has risen in the country but there has been no increase in salaries and wages. The government is constantly raising not only petroleum products but also electricity and gas prices. This is affecting domestic consumers and businesses. Experts say the government is doing all this under pressure from the IMF, which is imposing strict conditions on lending. Whatever the facts, the government should reassure the nation about the economic recovery and control of inflation through action. People believe what they see with open eyes. Not affected by verbal claims.

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