Thatta Ff

Law and order situation turns worse in Thatta, cause unrest amongst common folk

By: Kamran Khamiso Khowaja
THATTA: The historically rich district has been witnessing a sharp increase in the incidents of crime for the past two months causing unrest and insurgency.
Thatta and its adjoining areas are hunted by street crimes that have ruffled the residents. Snatching of Motorbikes, cellular phones, and other valuables is a matter of routine in the city.
It was learnt by this correspondent that over a dozen motorcycles had been snatched within the period of two months however a number of citizens were wounded critically while resisting the robbery attempts.
The Business community is suffering owing to increasing crimes and it has warned of stern reaction if the action was not taken against the criminals who were committing the crime with complete impunity.
Police and the district administration have turned a blind eye to the issue. Expressing reservation over worst law and order a member of the trade union said that; They had been suffering at the hands of poor law and order in the area and police and failed miserably in curbing the incidents of theft and robbery.
“Our district has a reputation of a peaceful district across the country and it is now making headlines owing to the poor law order situation and that is awful for us”; said social activist Ramzan Memon.
People from different walks of life called for dispensation of state writ in the area and warned of protest if the high-ups failed to revive peace.

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