Imran Khan

‘No row with India if Kashmir issue resolved’

RIYADH: Prime Minister Imran Khan Monday said that the two countries, Pakistan and India, had only one issue — the Indian-Occupied Kashmir, and advocated resolving it like “civilised” neighbours.

“It’s all about human rights and the right of the people of Kashmir for self-determination as guaranteed by the United Nations Security Council 72 years ago. “If that right is given to them, we have no other problems. The two countries can live as civilised neighbours […] just imagine the potential.” He said that India would gain access to Central Asia through Pakistan and in turn the latter would gain access to two huge markets. “This is what I want to impress upon the Saudi business community, that circumstances never remain the same. They always change.”

He was addressing the Saudi-Pak Investment Forum, organised in cooperation with the Saudi Ministry of Investment. He spoke about Pakistan’s growth potential and highlighted the country’s youth and strategic location.

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