Zeeshan Chandio

Palestine Issue and the world

By: Zeeshan Ali Chandio
Palestine is called land of prophets where many prophets were born and many are buried there. When World War 2 ended and UNO came to being many Jews used to live in Palestine who wanted independent country in Palestine named Israel. Britain and USA were also supporting to Jews. When the UNO held meeting then many  countries were supporting  Jews and new country Israel country came into being.
USA promised to the king Faisal that she will not in the support of Israel and she is friend of Arab Muslims but USA broke his promise and gave vote in the favor of Israel. Since 1948 Arabs and Israel fought several wars over Palestine. But due to USA support to Israel Arabs could not defeat Israel. And Israel slowly and gradually occupied the territories of Palestine and settled Jews there and Palestinian Muslims converted  into minority. Since 1948 many Palestinian became homeless and they settled in Lebanon.
When Egypt recognized Israel many Palestinian became hopeless. In 2006 Lebanon and Israel fought war and many of the Lebanese  died but USA did not stop support to Israel. She gave arms to Israel.
Currently Hamas is the organization of Palestine fighting against Israel. The Hamas leader Ismail Hanni accepted that Iran is supporting Hamas to fight against Israel. Iran is only country which is trying to destroy  Israel. Palestine issue is one of the biggest issues of the world. This issue may lead world towards world war three. UNO and other powerful countries have to solve this issue and settle peace in the middle east countries.

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