Kashmir Thatta

Residents of Thatta- Sujawal express solidarity with oppressed Kashmiris

By: Kamran Khamiso Khowaja

THATTA: Social organizations, Political parties, Religious organizations, and members of town committees took out rallies in different parts of both the districts- Thatta and Sujawal to express solidarity with oppressed Kashmiris on the eve of Kashmir day.
Leaders of Public opinion, Social activists, Students, and people hailing from different sheds of life condemned the excessive use of force by the Indian government against the innocent Kashmiris.
Secretary-general PTI welfare wing Advocate Zeeshan Khowaja said that; The day was not far away when Kashmir would be part of Pakistan. Our Soldiers could defend our motherland. He also deplored the failure of UNO to resolve the Kashmir issue.
The participants of the rallies paid glowing tributes to the peaceful struggle of Kashmiris against the oppression of the tyrant Indian government and said that soon the ordeal of suppressed Kashmiri brethren would end.
An untoward incident occurred in Thatta, a teacher Qurban Ali Brohi suffered cardiac arrest while raising slogans in favor of innocent Kashmiris that proved fatal to him. He was rushed to Civil Hospital Makli Thatta where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Teachers Organizations have demanded to declare him martyred.

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