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Shikarpur police recover four abducted persons

Adeel Alvi
SHIKARPUR: Captain (R) Ameer Saud Magsi, after assuming the charge as SSP Shikarpur, took serious notice of the 13 persons who were kidnapped from the premises of Shikarpur and directed all officers and officials to enlarge their endeavors to recover all kidnappess, in this regard, SSP Shikarpur made a special police party headed by ASP Shikarpur Fazil Bukhari, the team following the spy information that kidnappers are ready to shit the location of kidnappers raided at Dhak Band when kidnappers saw that police are coming towards them they started firing on police, on retaliation, police recovered four kidnappees named Wajid Ali Sethar, Imran Ali Golo, Ali Bux Golo, and Illahi Bux Golo, who kidnapped on 3rd May, and also succeeded in arresting two kidnappers.
Shikarpur police neither present the arrested kidnappers nor show their names.
SSP Shikarpur Ameer Saud Magsi termed a big achievement of Shikarpur police and vowed other kidnappees would also recover as soon as possible.

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