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Symposium on ‘Virtual Assessment Tools, Challenges, and Way Forward

By: Adeel Alvi
SUKKUR: Begum Nusrat Bhutto-BNB Women University Sukkur organized its 1st International Symposium on ‘Virtual Assessment Tools, Challenges, and Way Forward’ on June 26 and 27, 2021, funded by Sindh Higher Education Commission. This effort is timely when world academic activities are set online due to Covid-19 pandemic. Keeping it in view as the need of the hour, the virtual assessment tools are not only needed to be explored throughout the globe by thinktanks but also should be focused on how the assessment process can be maintained for transparency. That being so, it is vital in shaping futuristic approach in the domain of Pakistan.

Syed Nasir Hussain Shah, Minister Local Government, Religious Affairs, Forest & Wildlife Department, Housing Town Planning, Information & Archives Department, graced the inaugural ceremony as the Chief Guest. During his inaugural address, he applauded the worthy Vice Chancellor BNBWU for her determined attempts in developing the institute from the perspective of empowerment of Women and today’s event backs the statement.

Dr. Asim Hussain, Chairman Sindh Higher Education Commission, was the Chief Guest on the closing ceremony of 1st International Symposium.
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