Taliban C

Talban Takeover


By:Tanveer Shar
Talibans were able to control all over the afghanistan without any hindrance from the afghan or American military and took control of American palace. They already had support from locals as their cause had religious touch and conservative thinking. Was America able to complete its mission and they escaped their military with any negotiation or were these complete actions of Taliban on their own and without any deal and purely with the thinking of jehadi concept, these are the questions of ambiguity. What were the reasons behind zero activity from the Afghan military! Why were they so unresponsive of every attack and captivity even though they had high level American military weapons, tanks, drones and planes ! why they did not resist Taliban insurgents while they were continuously moving towards the capital, and in the end they succeeded in reaching the Presidential Palace. President Ashraf Ghani had left his Palace before their arrival without any prior official information as a president.

There was no resistance to Taliban in this whole scenario from any force except Afghan warlord Ismail Khan but soon he was too captivated by Taliban force.

Taliban hahave s the same mindset as before, such as restricting girls from going school, women from going outside home, calling for lists of women and girls, forcefully marrying girls with the mujahideen and inhuman punishments which are well known while they were in power. Will they change their mindset or not, it depends on the future and it will make or break their future. They might remain in power for some time If they are ready to change their behaviour and set their rules and regulations and abolish their conservative mindset and end the harsh punishments.

What will be Pakistan’s response in these circumstances because Pakistan suffers directly what happens in Afghanistan affects Pakistan, Afghanistan is the neighbour country and both countries share a 2640 kilometre border with each other and both have ethnic, religious and language connectivity which is inseparable.

Pakistan has lost above seventy thousand lives and in the war against terrorism. Talibans attacked our schools, religious institutions and gatherings, ethinic genocide of Hazara community, attacked on our forces.

My Brother was also martyred in operation Zarb e Azab, he left his six daughters and a son behind, so there are hundreds of families whose loved ones were martyred in attacks of these insurgents, called Taliban, and whoever supports the Taliban ideology is directly or indirectly responsible for the losses of lives caused by Taliban.

It is time for Pakistan to change its strategies and policies from those which were before, and the whole country, including the Prime Minister, should have the same stance on Taliban and we should never accept their regime which they took over from the government of President Ashraf Ghani.

My Brother was also martyred in operation Zarb e Azab, he left his six daughters and a son behind, so there are hundreds of families whose loved ones were martyred in attacks of these insurgents, called Taliban, and whoever supports the Taliban ideology is directly or indirectly responsible for the losses of lives caused by Taliban.

It is time for Pakistan to change its strategies and policies from those which were before, and the whole country, including the Prime Minister, should have the same stance on Talibans and we should never accept their regime which they took over from the government of President Ashraf Ghani.

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