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Video: Salman tells the whole story for the first time after being bitten by a snake

Bollywood star Salman Khan appeared on the scene for the first time after being bitten by a snake.

Talking to Indian media, Salman Khan said about the incident that when the snake entered my farmhouse, I had seen it, I tried to get it out with the help of a stick.

The actor said that while trying to chase away the snake, he climbed on my hand and bit me 3 times, it was a kind of poisonous snake, I was kept in hospital for 6 hours, now I am much better than before. According to the media, Salman Khan is in his farmhouse these days to celebrate his 56th birthday, where he is accompanied by friends and family.

Salman Khan was bitten by a snake on Saturday night, December 25, after which he was taken to a Mumbai hospital.

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