
What is beauty?

By: Bhag-e-Shree.A.Mulani
Whether one’s beauty is attributed to one’s color or it is the physical appearance that defines it. The answer appears to be so easy to be explained in a few words, but it is not!
Basically, beauty defines the aesthetic senses of a human being. Humans associate white tone of a skin to beauty. Undoubtedly, make-up enhances the beauty of an individual, but have we ever felt, why fairness is given a pedestal whereas darkness is treated as disease? Why we always want the remedy for fairness?
Alas! People find the solution of the artificial beauty by applying medications/remedies on face to make it a glorious one for the people who see them and crave for beauty beyond god’s creativeness. Due to this, the competition of making skin fairer takes place.
Do you think it is fair?
I do not think so! It is because people who have gone through issue of color complexion have suffered a lot from mental disturbance, depression and so on.
While here the question arises as to why we all prefer white to black?
As far as my perception is concerned, we have not accepted the black complexion yet.
Secondly, criticism and societal pressure make an individual guilty of their skin tone. Other than that, we all never question God creations so, why we are objecting the Natural beauty shaped by Him?
Whereas beauty comes in no pre-defined size, shape, and shade.

But a most important change we need to have is that; to change the unrealistic standards of beauty that is propagated by the society and media and It could have been so better, if mankind keeps their entire focus towards the enlightenment of their inner soul instead of face scars and tone.
Although, people do affect a lot when a loved one starts talking such things!
But people should know their worth and must consider them as “one of the most beautiful people in the world.

Lastly, we should learn to celebrate diversities and accept the differences. So that people should feel comfortable and confident about their own skin.
and it would have been so amazing if people fight for making their heart a better one and with that, they adopt more positivity while getting rid of these insecurities and negativity that resides in them.
Last but not least, I just want to say:
“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself”.


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