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Dead body of lady doctor Shoaib Memon found from Bago Wah

By our staff reporter 

BADIN: The dead body of doctor of Badin, Shoaib Memon son of former Head Master of Iqra High school Muhammad Hassan Memon was found from Bago Wah of Tando Bago. The dead body of young doctor was identified by the heirs hailing from Badin. While police reported that the heirs of deceased doctor were informed and called to identify the body and they identified the dead body of young doctor of Badin. On the other hand, the dead body of doctor was shifted to taluka hospital Tando Bago and handed over to heirs. It is pertinent to mention that news were spreading in social media day earlier that young doctor Shoaib Memon has committed suicide in Phuleli canal Matli but the news was not justified by various circles and the matter remained mysterious.Meanwhile, the deceased doctor was laid to rest in ancestral graveyard. The funeral was attended by large number of officials of education department, doctors, teachers, citizens, Social activists and people from different walks of life.

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