
Hajj SOPs

By: Syed Asif Ali Shah

Hajj is not only the fifth pillar of Islam but it is the heartfelt desire of every Muslim to visit Bait-ul-Allah and Roza-e-Rasool at least once in their life. Minister of Religious Affairs Noor-ul-Haq Qadri has announced that in view of the corona virus, Saudi Arabia will probably allow 50,000 Pakistanis to perform Hajj this year, including those under the age of 20 and those over the age of 50. They will not be able to go for Hajj and only those who have been vaccinated against Corona will be allowed to perform Hajj. There is no doubt that the call of Corona has left the entire world system in disarray for almost two years. Its economic and social effects, on the one hand, and communal worship and festivals, on the other, have been severely affected. Last year, Saudi Arabia imposed a complete ban on the arrival of pilgrims from abroad, and only Saudi Arabia. Saudi officials are still so cautious that they have refused to allow pilgrims to perform the Hajj. It is stipulated to spend fourteen days in quarantine before and after Hajj. It is obligatory for all pilgrims to wear face masks during Hajj. In addition to maintaining mutual distances during prayers, semen, All SOPs will have to be observed in Muzdalifah and Arafat Square as well. Millions flock to Hajj and God willing, if this epidemic spreads here, it will spread all over the world. In this regard, it is very important to keep the pilgrims in quarantine. Importantly, the government of Pakistan should ensure vaccination of Hajj pilgrims so that we do not face another test.

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