Houses On Moon

How will there be houses on the moon? Photos released

Human efforts to live on the moon are progressing day by day and now the European Space Agency has also released pictures of houses that may be built on the moon.

The US space agency NASA is working to send a man and a woman back to the moon by 2024 and 18 astronauts have been shortlisted for this purpose.

NASA’s new mission also includes establishing a permanent colony on the moon where existing engineers can learn how to make a living using the moon’s resources.
The engineers will also research undiscovered parts of the moon and build a space base on the moon to reach Mars. NASA also wants to send a man and a woman to Mars in the 2030s.

Eden Cowley, an adviser to the European Space Agency, says there is no longer any doubt that the moon will be inhabited, because if we want to explore the moon, Mars or even beyond, we need to. This technology needs to be mastered as soon as possible.
Referring to the future residences to be built on the moon, he said that within a decade, construction of cylindrical buildings for the accommodation of astronauts to the moon will begin but the most important thing is to protect people from radiation.

He said that for this purpose, plans are being made to make bricks from fine sand obtained from the surface of the moon and use them in buildings.

With the help of robots, sand will be collected and with the help of a 3D printer, it will be turned into bricks and placed in front of the sun.

According to the plan, during the first few years of the mission, the astronauts will be housed in specially designed mobile homes, during which a permanent base will be built in that part of the moon that is always bright in sunlight.

The ice in this section will use hydrogen and oxygen which can be used as breathing air and fuel.

“I plan to build a permanent base on the moon that is open to all countries and I would like to call it ‘Moon Village’ and this is a big leap forward in space research,” said John Warner, director general of the European Space Agency. Will be.

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