Murree Gf

Murree Tragedy: Administrative failure?

BY: Noorullah Baloch

Thousands of families going to enjoy snow in Murree, trapped in death and dozens of people lost in a world of despair, are such a tragic and tragic tragedy that the whole nation is in dire straits Have suffered According to details, at least 22 people were killed as a result of the blizzard while thousands of people were crying over the streets for help, but no one from the concerned government agencies reached their help. Phone calls, WhatsApp and Facebook are appealing to all to convey our message to the government and help us. Rescue officials say the death toll in snow in Murree is likely to rise as a number of vehicles are being trapped due to road closures. The most noteworthy point in this tragedy is that there is no distant place in the country of Murree where it is not possible to initiate timely relief operations while the administration is prepared to deal with all kinds of situations in view of the weather conditions. Essential lock-up is what appears to be an open failure of the government. Federal Interior Minister Sheikh Rasheed has admitted that the tragedy would not have happened if the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa had been prevented from dying. In a TV program last night he said, “We had no idea that such a large number of people would go to die, that no one could control such a large number of people.” It is the government’s responsibility to plan for the future. ”The administration’s irresponsibility is fully realized by the meteorological department’s December 31 and then January 5 storm forecasts. The Prime Minister’s Office was also alerted to the snowfall. Murree’s roads were reported to be closed due to snow between January 6 and 9, aviation ministry was also notified of severe snowfall in Murree. MA, PDMA, SDMA were also notified about the snow. In this context, the stance of former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi seems to be based on the fact that the tragedy is a major failure of the administration. In a TV program, he said, “There is a whole plan for snow in Murree every year. In the N-League era, the whole plan was reviewed before winter, snow from different places in Murree. Machinery was already shipped for removal, Nawaz Sharif bought these machines at a cost of 1.5 billion. No timely machinery was delivered for the floor removal this time. Hotel owners have expressed their opinion and have called for an inquiry. However, in his Twitter statement, the Prime Minister has expressed his regret over the tragedy and ordered the inquiry to impose its responsibility on those who went for entertainment. According to him, “people went to Murree without knowing unusual snow and weather conditions, whereas the district administration was not prepared for this situation.” It should be kept completely transparent, and ensure a truly disciplinary action against those responsible for the tragedy so that such tragedies will not be repeated.

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