
New wave of corona virus sounding serious alarm bells

By: Najeeullah Bhatti

The new trend of corona virus is sounding serious alarm bells that need serious attention. The epidemic on Thursday claimed the lives of 35 people, including Chief Justice Peshawar High Court Waqar Ahmed Seth, while former Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf and National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) chairman Lt. Gen. Muhammad Afzal were not spared. According to data released by the National Command and Operations Center (NCOC), in the 24 hours from Wednesday to Thursday, 1,808 people tested positive for code 19 and 34 died of the virus. So far, the country has recovered from code 19. The number of people has reached 320,849. The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned about this second wave of corona, saying that the virus has become more powerful and invaded, which requires more caution. Lockdown has intensified in many countries as more than 50 million people on the planet have been affected by the epidemic. Due to the negligence of shopkeepers and other quarters in addition to the significant number of ordinary people in the implementation of the Smart Lockdown in the beloved homeland, it is feared that the hardships of the Lockdown, educational institutions beyond wedding halls, business centers and public gatherings. Can lead to closure. Therefore, in this chapter, every person should strictly follow all the measures, including masks, gloves, sanitizers, social distances, along with the individual’s personal safety requirements for the protection of other people, family, neighbors and all loved ones. Are also part of the indispensable precaution. It should not be overlooked that as long as a single person is suffering from corona, people all over the world are in danger.

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