Qalandar 1

Qalandar Shah Lakyaree; an aboriginal son of mother earth

By: Dr Ghulam Ali Buriro

I had the rare honor of spending time with Saen Qalandar Shah, first as a student; later as a colleague. In both these capacities, I always saw Shah Sahib as an aboriginal son of mother earth — embodying in grand measure, the land’s dusts, smells, fauna, flora, horticulture, history, heritage, tradition, culture and character.
Saen Shah Sahib by all attributes — in appearance and disposition, in deed and word, in tone and temper, in emotion and expression, in manner and gesture, in posture and poise — stayed an original self all through, an authentic model of the sacred soil he breathed .
A rustic to the core, a bucol to the bones — deeply moved by his compulsive love for nature, he, on purpose abandoned the intent to urbanize his lifestyle in a sophiscated city sense elite.
Those who knew Shah Sahib and remained close to him would bear testimony as to his ever-smiling face, softness of conduct, welcoming sweet disposition, unbelievable willingness to oblige, that would often otherwise be beyond scope, measure and mandate.
Saen Qalandar Shah always exuded an inherent aroma of humour, repartee, and lively wit sans malice or semblance of rancour with classical combo of theosophy, philosophy, folk-wisdom and profundity of Shah Latif’s thought with an eagerness to pursue his (Latif’s) pleaded path, bearing likeness to a Lahooti/Khahori legends of his Sur “Raamkalee”.
This sage of Sindh, this Bohemian bard, this gypsy soul super-excelled in the art of giving and that too giving unconditionally; in adding value to the lives of the mediocre, the neglected, the marginalized, the under-privileged and the less fortunate in life.
A mystic of a kind, this polyglot and polymath persona , possessing exalted caliber, contributed mammothly to Sindh’s social progress through diverse platforms — literature, arts, education, linguistics, folklore, religion, social activism and above all – the science of soul i. e. LOVE.
Saen Qalandar Shah lived as an ambassador of mercy, love, peace, hope and faith. His name shall stand as an imperishable emblem of all those virtues and his legacy shall inspire those very ideals in us all and those many who are yet to come.
Venerated beloved Sir, may you for eternity — rest in peace! May Allah the Most Exalted, the Most Merciful allot you the highest seat in the choicest of places in Paradise –Ameen!
You will forever be missed — our beloved Sir. We will hardly ever look upon your like again!

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