
Government and opposition should look for the solution

By: Summaya Rajpoot

The 11-party coalition of the opposition against the government continues in the form of rallies of the Pakistan Democratic Movement. The last meeting of the movement at Minar-e-Pakistan in Lahore, the capital of Punjab, has been announced next Sunday, after which a long march towards Islamabad may be decided. The Prime Minister, in a detailed interview, spoke about the opposition movement. I have reiterated the permanent position that these people want to get NRO to avoid accountability. However, if I have to leave the chair, I will give it up, but I will not betray the country by giving NRO to save the chair. Referring to the Lahore rally, he said that they would not allow the rally but would not obstruct it but a case would be registered against the organizers and those who had installed chairs. Several other government figures have also sharply criticized the opposition, calling the rallies an outbreak of the global epidemic Corona, calling it anti-people by opposition leaders, while PDM leaders have warned the government to disrupt the rally. If it is thrown, we will answer the brick with stone. PDM leaders have announced to meet on Tuesday to work out a plan of action after the Lahore meeting on Tuesday. It has been informed that the meeting is expected to decide to turn it into a long march to Islamabad and then an indefinite sit-in and before that resignations from the National Assembly may be made. The ongoing tensions in the country have led to intense uncertainty at the national level and growing distrust of the future. At a time when the country is facing very serious challenges on both internal and external fronts, national unity and solidarity is our first need but unfortunately the entire tenure of the present government so far has been marked by severe divisions and divisions at the national level. Regarding his political opponents, who are elected representatives of the people like members of the government, the Prime Minister’s position from day one has been that they are all thieves, robbers and looters and are opposing the government only because of corruption against them. The PDM’s public stance, which came before the nation in the form of its demands and the Charter of Pakistan, with the claim that the current government has failed on all fronts, including the economy and Kashmir, should be stopped. Ensure full supremacy of the Constitution in the country and fulfillment of responsibilities by all state institutions within their constitutional limits, stop interfering in the political and governmental affairs of those in charge of powerful institutions, complete the electoral process. Transparent, fair and reliable arrangements should be made to protect all irrelevant institutions from encroachment. The accountability process should be completely non-discriminatory, impartial and transparent, while in the entire tenure of the present government it should only target political opponents. The cases of corruption accused in the government ranks have been dealt with in general Vim is suffering from cold sore and is actually suspended. In the presence of this list of demands, it would be more prudent on the part of the government to either prove the demands of the opposition to be false instead of repeating the accusation of taking NRO, or to express a willingness to discuss them. Let him pave the way for the grand national dialogue which was proposed by the former Chief Justice of Pakistan in his first address after assuming office and without which no measure seems possible to save the nation from the current precarious situation.

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