
The darkest day in American democratic history

By: Suffyan Yousuf

Supporters of President Trump, who lost the recent election in Washington, D.C., by 232 votes to his rival Joe Biden’s 306 in the recent election, have strongly protested the election results at his instigation, according to clear evidence. International observers have rightly called it an open sign of the beginning of the downfall of this country, which has been the world’s only superpower for decades. have been. According to international media reports, lawmakers in the building were forced to hide under desks to save their lives during the attack by Trump supporters. The shooting also killed a woman inside the building, after which the mayor imposed a curfew in Washington in the evening to control the situation. According to media reports, President Trump, who “insists on the transparency of the election in all major forums, including the Supreme Court, despite his failure to justify his claims of victory”, told his supporters on Capitol Hill. Directed to storm so that the ongoing Democratic leader in the Congress session

The process of final approval of Biden’s victory could be stopped. As the attackers entered the building, a large number of Republicans were speaking out against the election results. During the riots, President Trump sat in the Oval Office’s private drawing room watching the scenes and instructing his party members not to concede defeat via Twitter messages. He issued a Twitter message to stop the violence and to keep his supporters abiding by the law after he was strongly urged by the staff. The rise of violence, rather than the democratic process of resolving differences of understanding between key US political parties, has posed a serious threat to democratic values ​​in the United States, analysts say, where the country is clear under Trump’s four-year rule. Although it is certain that Joe Biden, who won a landslide victory in the presidential election on the 20th of this month, will be sworn in as President of the United States because Trump has an appeal against the election results. There is no forum left in the long history of democracy in the United States, but by not recognizing the election results and inciting its supporters to violence against them, President Trump has sown the seeds of undemocratic behavior in American society and the nation. Divided, it will not be easy to prevent its negative effects and consequences. Former United States President George W. Bush, who also belongs to the Republican Party, has blamed Trump’s planned protests against the election results for frustration and uncertainty, while newly elected President Joe Biden has caused a commotion in the Capitol Hill building. This day has been called the darkest day in the history of American democracy. Undoubtedly, President Trump’s approach to the election results reflects a so-called third tier democracy, rather than the United States as an ideal republic for the whole world. Elections must be won and lost, and societies can be kept peaceful and stable by accepting them wholeheartedly.

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