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Shortage of water is due to incompetency of IRSA: Rasool Bux Chandio


By our staff reporter 
BADIN: The Advisor of Chief Minister of Sindh for rehabilitation and relief, Haji Rasool Bux Chandio chaired introductory meeting with officials of different departments of the district Darbar Hall here in Badin.
The officials apprised the Advisor of Chief Minister of Sindh about their departments. While talking Haji Rasool Bux Chandio said he was highly thankful to PPP Chairman, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and Co-Chairman, Asif Ali Zardari who have assigned such responsibility. The citizens complained negligence of Indus hospital Badin, Police, Local Government, Irrigation, Public Health and other departments and responding them Mr Haji Rasool Bux Chandio assured the issues to be resolved soon. He directed the officials of police department to take stern and prompt legal action against incidents of thefts and such to be reported within three days. The Advisor while taking notice of the complaints against management of Indus hospital, he warned In charge of the hospital, Dr Ikhlaque Ahmed to show performance and avoid to refer any patient to else city. He stressed Deputy Commissioner Badin to constitute a committee for functioning of old civil hospital and city OPD adequately and such Report be sent within one month. Haji Rasool Bux Chandio said due to incompetency of IRSA the people of Badin were sustaining water shortage but they were striving hard to provide water to tail end. He said following the SOPs, social distancing and Vaccination could prevent the COVID – 19 pandemic. While apprising the meeting Deputy Commissioner Badin, Agha Shahnawaz Khan said it was prime priority of district management to resolve the issues people were facing. He said more than 300 thousand people in the district were vaccinated.The meeting was also attended by MNA, Mir Ghulam Ali Talpur, MPA Haji Taj Muhammad Mallah, MPA Mir Allah Bux Talpur, Special Assistant to Chief Minister of Sindh, Pir Noorullah Qureshi, Haji Ramzan Chandio, Haji Sain Bux Jamali, Muhammad Nawaz Chandio and others.

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