
Bhagat Kanwar Ram, a great humanist

By: Zulfiqar Ali Bhatti

In the history of man kind there always have been a few people who leave their marks on the pages of history and remain alive even after their death. Bhagat Kanwar Ram was also one of such great people who passed their lives in such a way that people have not forgotten him even after seventy sic years of his assassination.

Bhagat Kanwar Ram was a mystic singer who was born on 13th April 1885 at village Jarwar of Sukkur District . He represented Bhagti tradition of the subcontinent. He was immensely popular among Hindus as well Muslims. His one quality which people have not forgotten and perhaps will never was his love for the poor without any discrimination of colour, creed, nationality and religion. He was gunned down by a group of extremists in a moving train near Ruk railway station. The Bhagat was a great exponent of love, peace and human values, which he spread through his Sufi ragas. Bhagat had devoted his life to serving the poor regardless of their creed or religion. He was a great humanist who would give to the poor whatever he earned something from his concerts. Bhagat was famous for his Sufi ragas his greatest quality was his service to the poor.

This great man was murdered at railway station Rukk by a group of extremists on 2nd November 1939.

Read more about Bhagat Kanwar Ram on Sindhipedia, The Free Encyclopedia

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